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The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) Standards is today the highest benchmark standard for hospital quality in India and are considered prestigious acknowledgements of the Healthcare Quality as they substantially improve the safety and quality of care and services provided for Large, Medium and Small Healthcare Organizations. It is highly accepted by ISQUa, the International Society for Quality Assurance in Healthcare, as an International Accreditation on par with the world's best. There are mainly two versions of the Standards, one being the Full NABH suitable for large Speciality and Tertiary Care Level Hospitals and Entry Level NABH meant mainly for Smaller Hospitals who do not have the Infrastructure and Resources to comply with the Full NABH. Both the Full NABH Accreditation and Entry Level NABH accreditation in Hospitals stimulate continuous improvement, enabling the Hospitals in demonstrating commitment to quality care and raises the community confidence in the services provided by the Hospitals. They provide an opportunity to benchmark with the best.
In India, Health System currently operates within an environment of rapid social, economic and technical changes. Such changes raise the concern for quality and patient safety in health care. Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations should be places of safety not only for patients but also for staff and other stakeholders. Quality and patient safety at hospitals and healthcare services is of great interest to government bodies, NGOs, insurance agencies, professional organizations representing healthcare workers and patients.
Accreditation is the single most important approach for improving the quality of hospitals. Happier patients & staffs.
As per The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) guideline, it is mandatory to enroll in NABH for providing treatment under Cashless Insurance Schemes (CIS).
Get the Best Rates for CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) and RSBY(Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana) etc. health plans promoted by State / Central Govt.
Health Tourism is one of the key benefits in getting NABH Standards. Both Foreign and Domestic tourist looking for health services , search for Hospitals and Clinics with Trust values like NABH Accreditation.
NABH helps your hospital in doing corporate tie up.
The hospital infrastructure, facilities and maintenance are certified and reliable to be accessed along with the level of care and safety.

Any Healthcare organization (HCO) that fulfills the following requirements:
Should be above 50 beds
The organization that commits to comply with NABH standards and applicable legal/statutory/regulatory requirements.
The organization has the minimum volume of patients which will help in assessing the quality of care given to the patients, which is currently 30%
The Organization who aspiring to enhance the quality of their services for the benefit of their patients, employees, stakeholders
Once your Organization determines to go for NABH Accreditation, QualityKonnect Consultants shall guide you in each and every step of the process, starting from 'CONCEPTION' to "REALIZATION'.
Preparing the Organization for NABH Accreditation
The Organization should have implemented the NABH Standard for at least three months before applying to NABH. QualityKonnect Consultants with their expertise shall help your organization to understand the standard and train your staffs and implement at your organization.
Preparing your organization will cover the following activities:
GAP Analysis report of entire Organization as per NABH guidelines and suggest changes in Infrastructure, Personnel or any Regulatory or Statutory compliances if required.
Preparation of various Quality Documents like Quality Manual, Hospital Wide Manual, Departmental SOPs, Files, Formats etc.
Training of staffs on NABH standard.
Formation of Core Quality Team and guide them implementing NABH standard throughout the organization.
Formation of various Committees .
Conducting Internal Audit.
Statutory Compliance Guidelines.
Providing guidelines for various displays.
Implementing policies for capturing Quality Indicators.
Filling Application process in NABH online application portal.
Once the hospital is ready for Application, QualityKonnect shall help you to fill the application as per the instructions given in the online application portal. Hospitals should fill the application and provide the information details very carefully as this is relevant to determine the scope of services and to take the process further. This is why you need the expertise, and we have inevitable experiences in this domain for more than a decade.
Implantation of NABH standard
In the mean time, when your application is being scrutinized by the NABH authorities and plan your pre-assessment date, QulaityKonnect Consultants shall be guiding you to implement the NABH standard throughout your organization by conducting Chapter wise training of Staffs, Internal Audit, various Mock drill and other implementation process. Before the pre-assessment, it is important to check the readiness of your organization. Our experts shall conduct the Mock audit just the way it is done by NABH to ensure the preparedness of the organization to face the actual assessment.
Support during Pre-Assessment of your organization
Once the application is accepted, NABH will plan the pre-assessment dates after mutually deciding with the organization and it is either of 2 or 4 man-days audit programme (depending upon the size of the organization) to check preparedness of the organization. A team of Principle Assessor and other assessors (number of assessors depending upon the size of the hospital) will visit the organization and submit their observations. Corrective and preventive action needs to be taken for all observations raised by the assessors and supporting documents need to be submit to NABH portal within recommended time frame by the Assessors (Generally between 30 days from Pre-Assessment date).
During the Assessment, QualityKonnect shall be giving you entire assessment support from the backend. At the end of the assessment, our expert will guide you to take proper corrective and preventive action against the Assessor's observations.
Final-Assessment of your organization
After the hospital has taken necessary corrective action to the non-conformities raised during the pre-assessment, NABH shall propose a final assessment of 4 to 9 man-days (Dates mutually agreed by the hospital management and assessors). The total number of assessors appointed shall depend on the size of the hospital and scope of services provided. During the Final Assessment, the assessor will check the entire facilities covered under accreditation and review the hospital’s documented management system in detail and verifies its compliance to the NABH standards.
During the Final Assessment, QualityKonnect shall extend the entire assessment support from the backend. At the end of the assessment, our expert will guide you to make details assessment report along with proper corrective and preventive action against the Assessor's observations raised during the assessment and will submit to NABH portal within recommended timeline suggested by the assessors.
Once your submitted corrective/ preventive action against the observations raised by the assessor is accepted by the NABH, your will receive the NABH Accreditation certificate with validity of 4 years.
Surveillance and Re assessment:
Accreditation to the hospital shall be valid for a period of four years. NABH shall conduct surveillance before completion of 20-24 months since the date of accreditation of the accredited hospital. QualityKonnect is always there for you to maintain your NABH Accreditation and support at various assessment.